I can confirm the annual xmas bash is now booked for Saturday 7th December from 12 noon.
I have provisionally booked a table to accomodate 12-15 people so need to know who is interested in coming to confirm the booking and numbers in 2 weeks time.
I can confirm the annual xmas bash is now booked for Saturday 7th December from 12 noon.
I have provisionally booked a table to accomodate 12-15 people so need to know who is interested in coming to confirm the booking and numbers in 2 weeks time.
last weekend.
so unbelievably sad.
Assembleys are the loneliest place on the planet
i know there are some here that are going through some tough times.
some of you do not believe in god.
some are not sure.. i was told recently by a friend to pray to god for help and he would comfort me.. my first impulse is to pray.
I have the most wonderful non-witness/exjw friends that support me through my tough times.
As a witness I didn't cope but that's because I was completely alone.
Posting here helps and facebook. With the internet you are never alone and there are wonderful people always willing to help.
Whatever you are going through chances are some-one walked there before you and survived so can help you to as well.
Sometimes just knowing there are people who care and want you to succeed gets you through, bit like god but they exist.
filtering around the internet today, we have the story of a plane crash in mexico, and allegedly it belonged to the cia.
the plane's cargo turns out to be 4 tons of cocaine.. the source of the story turns out to be 'the arnprior news,' arnprior apparently is a suburb of ottawa.. cia plane crash lands with four tons of coke - the arnprior news - reference: http://arnpriornews.wordpress.com/2011/04/14/cia-plane-crash-land-with-four-tons-of-coke/ .
this news source is apparently only a internet site, so ordinarily i'd go past this story - but ..... first, for years after the cpc beat the daylights out of the american backed armies of gmd (kmt-that is the armies of generalissimo chiang kai shek).
Scrolling further down google's list is David Icke (crazy brit) and then even further down Alex Jones but not one credible source at all. Not even the Daily Fail.
Another conspiracy theory or it didn't really happen. I never knew there were so many.
Currently having fun with the Rothschilds and a hollow moon that shouldn't actually be there. Who knew? Lol
filtering around the internet today, we have the story of a plane crash in mexico, and allegedly it belonged to the cia.
the plane's cargo turns out to be 4 tons of cocaine.. the source of the story turns out to be 'the arnprior news,' arnprior apparently is a suburb of ottawa.. cia plane crash lands with four tons of coke - the arnprior news - reference: http://arnpriornews.wordpress.com/2011/04/14/cia-plane-crash-land-with-four-tons-of-coke/ .
this news source is apparently only a internet site, so ordinarily i'd go past this story - but ..... first, for years after the cpc beat the daylights out of the american backed armies of gmd (kmt-that is the armies of generalissimo chiang kai shek).
I just googled for more info on this story as there is a meme currently on facebook and up pops JWN.
This forum is great!!!
I will be organising the annual xmas meet-up in Portsmouth very soon and you are more than welcome to come to that.
there are some threads already on forum performance.
nonetheless, i wanted to post this:.
i decided to switch to my ie page and open up jwn there.
On this site IE is the only browser that lets me use photobucket, embed youtube videos and make links clickable so I do everything in Safari which is my browser of choice and nip to IE if I need those functions here.
I am not very techy so I don't know why I can't do those things with Google Chrome or Firefox either.
this article offers statements made by a respected political figure and it articulates (better than i could) what i strongly perceive is happening in the world.. i follow trends and read many aggregation news sites and am struck by what i see in this past year.
it appears that longtime and stubbornly held ideas are suddenly melting away.
John Kerry has just stated he is confident Assad was responsible for the attack but we in UK knew last night it ws the rebels and they actually admitted responsibilty for it a few hours ago.
ireally do miss reading them.
lt wa such a great way to stay on top ofwhat's going on with the borg without allowing the mind games to penetrate.
blondie,did you stop bc of that dumb attack by prime a few months back?
Blondie's comments are great.
Speedy recovery Blondie, we miss you.
years ago you read my horror stories about being raped by a jw.
i was nine years old when this took place, now the man has been getting all his works in order.
what do i do to stop the seventy-year old pedophile from getting his position back?
There are several threads on Rick Simons Candace's lawyer but I don't know what country you are in.